As a former journalist with over three decades of experience in the press, I am thrilled to introduce you to Good Morning Doral, our community’s newest source for news, stories, and investigative journalism. I am The Barista, and I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of truth and the dissemination of information.
Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with renowned publications. From uncovering political scandals to highlighting the voices of the unheard, my journey in journalism has been both challenging and rewarding. I have seen firsthand the power of a well-researched story and the impact it can have on society.
After retiring and becoming a proud resident of Doral, I noticed a concerning trend—investigative journalism seemed to be dwindling. The in-depth reporting that once held institutions accountable and informed the public, is now overshadowed by sensationalism and clickbait. Something needed to be done, and that’s where Good Morning Doral comes in. Our mission is to revive the spirit of investigative journalism and provide our community with trustworthy, relevant, and engaging news. We are committed to delving deep into the issues that matter to you, shining a light on the stories that deserve attention, and fostering a well-informed and connected community.
Thank you for welcoming Good Morning Doral into your lives. Together, we can make a difference by supporting quality journalism and ensuring that the truth continues to be heard.
Warm regards,
The Barista